Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dairy Farmers and Aliens: Majora's Mask part 10

You seriously have no idea how long I've waited to post this.
Using the powder keg, Link blasts a giant boulder to pieces that blocked the way into a ranch.  Entering the ranch, he is finally reunited with his horse.  However, the horse is held in a stable by the family that owns the ranch.  They seem to understand Link's dilemma of losing the horse, and he gets his horse back.  The ranch is owned by two sisters, Romani and Cremia.  Romani is the younger daughter, and she asks Link for help.

Romani is concerned that come nightfall, a mysterious presence threatens the ranch every year before the big festival in Clock Town.  This presence comes down from the sky in a bright orange light and threatens to steal the cows. Romani's older sister does not believe her, but she seems pretty sure this is a real threat.  I'm not saying its aliens, but yeah, you better believe it's aliens.

I want to believe.
This scene is honestly one of the most unexpected scenes in this game.  I know that at the beginning of this blog series I was saying how many horrific elements exist in this game. It may not seem like that many since I've been going through the more tame parts of the story at present, but believe me when I say this scene comes out of nowhere.

As you can see on that alien, it's holding its claws out in front of it as though it's poised to grab something.  Its eyes glow and it hovers over the ground.  They are also about the size of that horse.  There is also lots of them, and they don't stop coming until the crack of dawn.  They make strange noises that almost sound mechanical and die in a flash of light when hit by an arrow.  Again, not saying they're aliens, but yeah I kinda did just say they were aliens.

What is perhaps the most shocking part of this scene is if Link fails to stop the aliens from reaching the barn. They fly their orange ball of light over the barn, rip its roof off, and then proceed to take the cows and Romani.  Cremia wakes up the next morning to find the barn is a wreck, the cows are gone, and her little sister has been taken.  She is left a grieving wreck since she blames herself for her sister's abduction by not believing her.  When the third day arrives, the aliens return Romani, but not without wiping her entire memory and leaving her in a vegetative state.  Since the Legend of Zelda series plays out like a fairy tale, would anybody expect anything like this?  That would be like Snow White ending with the Prince giving Snow White a kiss and then suddenly a Chest Burster from Ridley Scott's Alien jumps out of her and tears him to shreds.  There is nobody who would expect it.  Furthermore, the aliens' origin and explanation is never visited.  Because this whole occurrence is so spontaneous and dark, it makes for that moment that everybody thinks of when playing this game, except for maybe the moon, which I should remind you is still an issue in case you forgot.

I feel like these aliens almost play along with the moon on the ideas of astrology that the stars and planets has a role in the good and ill omens of the world.  In the days of the black death in our world, the positions of the planets were attributed in causing the pox that wiped out a third of the western world.  Since the moon is falling out of orbit, it would make sense that other happenings among the stars would give signs to herald the end of time. However, the aliens were attributed to being an annual occurrence whereas the moon falling was another matter entirely.

In the end, the aliens remain unknown and with the dawn of the next morning, the ranch returns to normal.  Cremia continues to believe her sister was making wild claims, but the ranch was not destroyed and these two sisters were not separated.

Romani Ranch in the next post as Link now has to help the older sister.

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